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Article Index Volume 1 - 1987
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Article Index - Volume 1

Pg #
In Searching of a Solution Wolfgram, D. 1.4 Winter '87 64 Tutorial: Techniques to develop better AI software
AI Video Training Dunn, J. 1.4 Winter '87 48 Review: 3 courses from Addison-Wesley
Public Domain AI Alford, D. 1.4 Winter '87 58 Products: Free software
The Bookshelf Gerald, P. 1.4 Winter '87 61 Review: Articles and books on OOP
The OOP Universe Shafer, D. 1.4 Winter '87 28 Tutorial: Current state of OOP
Simulation With OOP Peterson, W. 1.4 Winter '87 33 Tutorial: Solving a simulation problem with OOP
OOP With C++ Flamig, B. 1.4 Winter '87 18 Tutorial: Using C++ to implement the popular A-Star algorithm
Interview - Dr. Adele Goldberg Hengl, T. 1.4 Winter '87 38 Discussions on OOP and AI
Actor and Smalltalk/V Stant, V. 1.4 Winter '87 54 Review: 2 OO languages, Actor and Smalltalk/V
Maintenance Assistant Dellacroce, C. 1.4 Winter '87 12 Application: Ford Motor Co.'s ES for equipment maintenance
Hidden AI Anacker, P. 1.4 Winter '87 40 Products: AI techniques integrated into traditional software
Ask the Expert - Smalltalk And E.S. Shafer, D. 1.4 Winter '87 16 Tips: Can Smalltalk be used to develop an ES

The Bookshelf - Prolog Staff 1.3 Fall '87 59 Review: "PROLOG Programming for AI" and "The Hitch-Hikers Guide to AI"
Natural Language Programming Heiny, L. 1.3 Fall '87 20 Tutorial: Develop natural language interfaces with Turbo Prolog and Turbo C
QuickC Meets Turbo C Flamig, B. 1.3 Fall '87 42 Review: Microsoft's QuickC and Borland's Turbo C
Pattern Matching with LISP Brittain, S. 1.3 Fall '87 34 Tutorial: Techniques involved in developing a useful pattern matcher with LISP
AAIS Prolog Shammas, N. 1.3 Fall '87 55 Review: Advanced AI Systems Inc.'s AAIS Prolog, vM-1.15
Namir's Corner Shammas, N. 1.3 Fall '87 62 Tutorial: Virtual intelligence and structured languages
Intelligent Interfaces Anacker, P. 1.3 Fall '87 49 Products: Intelligent user interface products
Distributed Intelligence Dambrot, S. 1.3 Fall '87 30 Tutorial: Trends in the microcomputer industry bring AI to the desktop
Ask The Expert Shafer, D. 1.3 Fall '87 18 Tutorial: Induction systems and blackboard architecture
The Wheelchair Robot Pronk, R. 1.3 Fall '87 12 Application: Development of a working self-guided, mobile robot

Four Computer Based AI Tutorials Cook, R. 1.2 Summer '87 40 Products: 4 AI tutorials
Bridgeware Review Dunn, J. et al 1.2 Summer '87 58 Review: Bridgeware converts ASCII files into data files for Prolog
The Bookshelf Gerald, P. 1.2 Summer '87 63 Review: 8 books on AI, ES, fifth generation computers
Confessions of An X Expert Armstrong, J. 1.2 Summer '87 68 Is there a rule for forming rules that doesn't assume a rule?
Roof Expert Adeli, H. et al 1.2 Summer '87 30 Application: A design ES written in INSIGHT 2+ and Turbo Pascal
Line Expert Dellacroce, C. 1.2 Summer '87 12 Application: ES for configuring telecommunication links
Expert Systems in Prolog Barry, R. 1.2 Summer '87 22 Tutorial: ES written in Prolog, with rule compiler, inference engine, KB
Debugging with ESP Drasch, F. 1.2 Summer '87 61 Tutorial: Source level debugging in C with an ES
Business Experts Chung, M. et al 1.2 Summer '87 16 Tutorial: What is an ES, what type of project
Ask The Expert Shafer, D. 1.2 Summer '87 14 Tips: Guidelines for developing an ES
Inside VP-Expert Aguiar, S. 1.2 Summer '87 44 Review: Paperback Software's latest product
Expert Interface Builder Shafer, D. 1.2 Summer '87 35 Tutorial: Innovative approaches to building user interfaces
Interview - Hubert Dreyfus Staff 1.2 Summer '87 54 A philosopher discusses NN and AI

The Bookshelf Staff 1.1 Spring '87 61 Review: "Understanding ES" and "AI for Microcomputers: Guide for Business Decision É
HI? Armstrong, J. 1.1 Spring '87 68 Humorous story about a computer science-based religion
Surveying AI Languages Fields, S. 1.1 Spring '87 28 Tutorial: AI languages for PCs
Prolog for Pascal Programmers Weiskamp, K. 1.1 Spring '87 18 Tutorial: Switch from procedural to declarative programming
mu LISP Aguiar, S. 1.1 Spring '87 57 Review: Soft Warehouse Inc.'s muLISP-86 v5.20
MacScheme Lanam, D. 1.1 Spring '87 55 Review: Semantic Microsystems Inc.'s MacScheme v1.2
AI For Under $100 Staff 1.1 Spring '87 39 Products: 13 AI languages for PCs
SpinPro Beckham, M. et al 1.1 Spring '87 13 Application: ES for controlling a centrifuge
Is the Mac Ready for AI? Shafer, D. 1.1 Spring '87 44 Products: New contender for the AI workstation crowd
Interview - Harvey Newquist III Staff 1.1 Spring '87 50 Newquist on the growth and future of AI
AI on PCs Parks, B. 1.1 Spring '87 36 AI applications for personal computers


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