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Article Index Volume 3- 1989
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Article Index - Volume 3

Pg #
Job Injury Compensation Advisor Markowitz, J. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 28 Application: A practical application of AI using speech and ES
NNERVV Center - Clues to the Creative Process Williamson, M. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 30 Review: 2 books: "Scientific Discovery" and "The Society of Mind"
Bookshelf - Intelligent Databases Evans, J. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 62 Review: 2 books on intelligent databases & designing intelligent front ends
Turbo Pascal 5.5 Shoemaker, S. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 32 Review: Borland's "Turbo Pascal 5.5"
Ask the Expert - E.S. & N.N. Shafer, D. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 40 Tips: Comparing ES and NN for applications
Virtual Reality II - Virtual Environments Jenkins, J. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 43 News: Environments on PCs that are real enough to interact with
Virtual Reality I - Virtual Life Weintraub, J. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 42 News: Objects on a PC that seem to have a life of their own
Manufacturing Mind - Where AI Meets the Shop Floor Rasmus, D. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 24 How-to: A guideline to develope ES
JAKE a Natural Language Breakthrough - Vendor Forum Conklin, J. et al 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 52 Review: C routines for adding natural language interfaces to apps
Interview - Patrick Perez, CEO of Neuron Data Part 1 Hengl, T. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 34 Patrick Perez on Neuron Data and the future of AI
What is an E.S.? - In Search of a Definition Lane, A. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 20 Tips: A definition of ES, what they do, why they are important
Manufacturing Mind - Where AI Meets the Shop Floor Rasmus, D. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 24 How-to: A guideline to developing ES
Ask the Expert - E.S. & N.N. Shafer, D. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 40 Tips: Comparing ES and NN for applications
SAM: Statistical Analysis Mentor Athey, S. 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 56 Applications: An ES determines which statistics to use
The Mechanical Cruciverbalist - New Directions in ASM Berghel, H. et al 3.6 Nov/Dec '89 45 How-to: 2nd in the series on ASM - solving crossword puzzles

NNERVV Center - Voice Williamson, M. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 23 Product: Voice recognition system DragonDictate
Ask The Expert - Forms as Entry Techniques for ES Shafer, D. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 55 Tips: Use of intelligent forms as entry techniques for ES
If/then: Hands-On Introduction to AI Hintze, F. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 50 Review: If/then works with Lotus 1-2-3 to learn about ES
Thinking Tools Update: Part II Anacker, P. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 59 Tips: Software for creativity enhancement & enhancing human thinking
Bookshelf - Why Prolog? Hiebert, L. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 64 Review: "Why Prolog? Justifying Logic Programming for Practical Applications" by Lazarev
Bookshelf - Manufacturing Intelligence Evans, J. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 65 Review: "Manufacturing Intelligence" by Kenneth Wright and David Alan Bourne
OOP in the Real World - A "White Paper" from Borland Borland 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 37 Theory: Borlands defines its OOP philosophy
Interview - Jim Anderson, President of Digitalk Hengl, T. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 43 Jim Anderson talks about Digitalk, Smalltalk, OOPS
Implementing OOP - A Look at Common LISP Object System Gabriel, R. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 40 Theory: OOP vs. Common LISP Object Systems (CLOS)
TRILOGY - A Logic Programming Language Reeves, R. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 34 Review: Complete Logic Systems' new logic programming language
Road to Palo Alto - Auto-hagiography of Charles A. Rovira Rovira, C. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 39 A lighthearted look at Smalltalk and OOP
The Languages of AI - Communicate Info to a Computer Miller, B. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 20 Tutorial: Special AI languages and their characteristics
NanoLISP - Product Review Barry, R. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 22 Review: A bare bone LISP interpreter from Microcomputer Systems Consultants
Lucid - A Dataflow Programming Language Lane, A. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 28 Review: A dataflow programming language with functions that define data streams
Knowledge Pro - Product Review Rasmus, D. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 47 Review: KnowledgePro, Knowledge Garden Inc.'s applications development enviroment
The 7 Veils of AI: The 7th Veil Walker, L. et al 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 18 Tips: Integrating AI and people
Ask The Expert - Forms as Entry Techniques for ES Shafer, D. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 55 Tips: Intelligent forms as entry techniques for ES
The Frame Problem - How Do We Know What Not To Change Eckert, E. 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 52 Thoery: The frame problem is defined and a solution proposed
Int Problem Solving with Strings - New Directions in A.S.M. Roach, D. et al 3.5 Sept/Oct '89 24 How-to: 1st in the series on ASM - defining and describing an approach for implementing ASM

Interview - Neil Larson, Founder MaxThink Part 2 Hengl, T. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 50 MaxThink's originator, on decision-support and hypertext tools
Bookshelf - Machine Learning: An AI Approach, Vol I and II Staff 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 60 Review: Machine learning literature
N.N. Versus E.S. - Is There Room For Both? Sherald, M. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 10 Application: NN chanllenging ES in the commercial & academic world
AI and Medicine - Smart system speaks to sightless users Okun, R. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 49 Application: An ES for sightless users
Poems from St. Silicon's Garden of Verse Armstrong, J. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 74 Humorous Poems
Manufacturing Mind - Starting Small Rasmus, D. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 38 Tips: PC ES can be developed inexpensively and without much political resistance
Building a Learning E.S. in dBase & Framework Rozier, L. et al 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 38 How-to: Pattern-matching algorithms are used in an adapative enterprise modeling system
Prolog Programming Pitfalls III - The Cut Roach, D. et al 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 24 Tips: 3rd in a series on Prolog pitfalls covering "cut"
Socrates: A K.B. Management System - Product Review Lane, A. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 34 Review: CIM Solutions' Socrates, a menu-driven decision-tree development tool
Machine Learning: The Next Frontier Parsaye, K. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 26 Tutorial: Evolutionary history of machine learning & intelligent databases
The 7 Veils of AI: The 6th Veil Walker, L. et al 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 54 Tips: Structural changes in society from AI
N.N. Versus E.S. - Is There Room For Both? Sherald, M. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 10 Application: NN chanllenging ES in the commercial & academic world
AI and Medicine - EKG Signal Processing Okun, R. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 49 Application: A NN for processing EKG signals
GoldWorks II - Product Review Tello, E. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 55 Review: Gold Hill's advanced ES development tool
A Truly Intelligent CASE Tool Barker, D. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 69 How-to: Logic Gem is reviewed, used to develop an ES
Ask The Expert Shafer, D. 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 22 Tips: Questions on ES are answered
1st Annual AI Product Summary & Guide Staff 3.4 Jul/Aug '89 62 The 1st annual comprehensive list of AI products for PCs

Thinking Tools Update: Part I Anacker, P. 3.3 May/Jun '89 34 Products: Hypertext, hyperlinking, hyperlinking help, shareware hypertext
Bookshelf - Autonomous Systems Lane, A. 3.3 May/Jun '89 75 Review: "Mathematical Methods for AI and Autonomous Systems"
Prolog Programming Pitfalls II - Non-uniform Implementation Roach, D. et al 3.3 May/Jun '89 50 Tips: 2nd in a series on Prolog pitfalls
A Hierarchy Chart Generator - Prolog At Work Hiebert, L. 3.3 May/Jun '89 60 How-to: Diagrams can speed the development/maintenance process for a system & improve quality
Tips for K.A. - Things They May Not Have Taught You Surko, P. 3.3 May/Jun '89 14 How-to: The process of KA, including preparation, organization, verification
Interview - Neil Larson, Founder MaxThink Part 1 Hengl, T. 3.3 May/Jun '89 42 MaxThink Originator discusses putting data/knowledge into a hypertext system
Creativity Software - Thinking Tools for the Macintosh Rasmus, D. 3.3 May/Jun '89 28 Products: Outliners, hypertext applications, groupware, graphical idea facilitators
Japan's AI Computer Johnson, C. 3.3 May/Jun '89 54 News: Japan's 10 yr vision of a 5th generation computer system
The NNERVV Center - The Beginnings of an Expert System Williamson, M. 3.3 May/Jun '89 59 Tips: The discussion of a possible ES
Developing Environmental Clean-up Guidelines Kendra B. 3.3 May/Jun '89 57 Application: The Aid to Evaluating the Redevelopment of Industrial Sites
NEXTRA: A Tool to Help Clarify Thinking - Product Review Shafer, D. 3.3 May/Jun '89 46 Review: Neuron Data's NEXTRA
Intelligence/Compiler Mercadal, D. 3.3 May/Jun '89 66 Review: Intelligence/Compiler, a hybrid ES from IntelligenceWare
1st-CLASS Fusion - Product Review Lane, A. 3.3 May/Jun '89 10 Review: 1st-CLASS Fusion finds rules from a set of examples
The 7 Veils of AI: The 5th Veil Walker, L. et al 3.3 May/Jun '89 20 Tips: How to avoid the limitations of ES - the KB empire
Ask The Expert - Certainty Factors Certainly Confusing Shafer, D. 3.3 May/Jun '89 70 Tips: Certainty factors are explained

The NNERVV Center - Voice Technology Williamson, M. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 31 News: Current state of voice technology and its application
Bookshelf - AI Debate Staff 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 54 Review: 14 books on the debate over AI
AI Journals, Mags, & Newsletters Brown, C. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 16 Product: Publications and literature
The Practical Side of N.N. - Part 2 Bailey, D. et al 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 56 Applications: Forecasting/modeling, signal processing, vision, process control
NeuroShell: A N.N. Simulator for the PC - Product Review Miller, B. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 70 Review: Ward System's simulator
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Okun, R. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 75 Applications: Handwriting analysis/interpretation & communication systems for paralyzed patients
The neVr Armstrong, J. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 59 Church of Heuristic Information Processing Guess Release
Manufacturing Mind - Preparing for Knowledge Rasmus, D. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 48 How-to: Developing the political environment for manufacturing ES
Interview - Steve Benson, DEC Hengl, T. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 34 AI at Digital Equipment Corporation
AI in Manufacturing - Manufacturing with Intelligence Barker, D. et al 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 28 News: American industrialists "work smarter" with intelligent software
Prolog Programming Pitfalls I - Prolog and Logic Roach, D. et al 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 46 How-to: 1st in a series discussing common misunderstanding and confusion with Prolog
User-developed E.S. - E.S. for the Rest of Us Williamson, M. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 11 Application: Paperback's VP-Expert is used to develop a hardware diagnosis system
Expert Systems Provide Payback - Three Case Studies Linesch, M. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 42 Application: Case studies include steel manufacturing, welding, optical coating
Nexpert Object - Part II Rasmus, D. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 38 Review: Neuron Data 's Nexpert Object
The 7 Veils of AI: The 4th Veil Walker, L. et al 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 26 Applications: Spectrum of useful applications
Ask the Expert - Resolving Human Conflicts Shafer, D. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 44 Tips: Resolving conflicts among human experts
Barriers to AI Innovation - A Bottom-up Perspective Buswick, T. 3.2 Mar/Apr '89 32 How-to: Guide to being your company's AI champion

Who's Porting what to the microExplorer Miller, B. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 38 Products: mircoExplorer products
Bookshelf - Parallel Distributed Processing Knox, M. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 69 Review: Parallel Distributed Processing (2 Vol); A Handbook of Models, Programs, Exercises
OOP in C Lane, A. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 11 Review: The Zortech C++ compiler
Easy For You To Say Williamson, M. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 63 Tips: Some problems with NLP
Episode 129 Parsons, J. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 54 Zeus continues to create a modern tower of Babel - Prolog
Ask The Expert - Of Conflicts of Interest Shafer, D. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 11 Editorial: Possible conflicts of interest
Speaking of the Macintosh - Exploration of AI Dev Languages Rasmus, D. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 34 Products: AI Development Languages
The Knowledge Navigator Sculley, J. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 31 Apple's president looks at the future
Raising the IQ of dBase Barker, D. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 64 Application: "LEVEL5", an ES shell, with dBase teaches an old dog new tricks
Interview - Harald Striepe, Apple Hengl, T. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 42 Interviews with Harald Striepe, Peter Van Cuylenburg, Harvey Newquist III, Gerald Barber
Macintosh? Isn't That an Apple? Miller, B. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 28 Tutorial: A user's look at the Mac
Using Hypertext to Enhances a Legal E.S. Botten, N. et al 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 46 Application: A civil rights advisory ES to assist in processing discrimination cases
The 7 Veils of AI: The 3rd Veil Walker, L. et al 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 27 Tips: How can you obtain AI? The technology is available in a box
AI in Medicine Fein, M. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 33 Application: List and discription of medical ES for the Mac
Nexpert Object - Part I Rasmus, D. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 49 Review: Nexpert Object from Neuron Data
Procedure Consultant - An Applications Tool Barry, R. 3.1 Jan/Feb '89 18 Review: Procedure Consultant, for nonprogrammers to develop decision support programs


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