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Reader Survey Comments
Comments from the PC AI reader survey. Click here to see the results of the survey. What our readers want to see in the new millennium . . . |
Here are our our readers unedited comments:
Very informative on new developments and products applications in the "real world." | |
A.G. | Would like to see more about genetic programming. |
A.H. | Great magazine. |
A.M. | I've been subscribing to your excellent magazine since day one. Please keep up the good work!!! |
A.O. | As far as I'm concerned it is one of a kind. |
A.R. | This is a good magazine on AI - rather practical AI, and less theory. |
A.S. | Well maybe a monthly "how to" use some of the software. I am very interested in the power of some of the instruments but the instruction on how to enter data is at least confusing at times. Over time maybe some of us would purchase more software if we were confident we could apply it easily. |
A.Z. | How about every month? I like the practical stuff and "market intelligence." |
B.B. | "Contains useful ideas at times. Would be nice to have a resource for running demos, with source code, to show off different areas of AI. I especially appreciate articles that are applicable to large corporate uses/applications. |
B.D. | Excellent. I look forward to each new issue. |
B.F. | I enjoy the magazine. Like to see more articles on Data Mining in business (financial services). Also applications for web (internet) based data mining. |
B.O. | I look forward to the magazine intensely. It's the only source I have for reviewing commercial AI product that interests me. |
C.K. | I like the breadth of scope. Issues seem less packed with detail than, say, Vol. 12 or earlier. Product reviews and discussions are my reason for subscribing. |
D.A.1 | Seems to be more descriptive of performance than explanatory of emergent concepts and underlying ideas at theoretical level. Lotsa potatos - not much meat. |
D.A.2 | Good contributions of articles on real-world applications! |
D.B. | Keep up the good work. |
D.C. | Please include more how-to, less company P.R. |
D.F. | Would like to see more articles that give programming examples for AI techniques. Discussing AI techniques is good, but talk about how to program those techniques. |
D.L.1 | 1) Go monthly! 2) more detailed explanations/source code needed for some of the articles. |
D.L.2 | Very good. |
D.L.3 | AI products on Linux, parallelized AI systems. |
D.M. | Great! Keep it up! |
D.P. | The only practical magazine devoted to AI that I have found. |
D.R.1 | I have only received one so far, so a little too early to comment. |
D.R.2 | Encourage developers to accelerate software that links data mining fuzzy logic, adaptive neural or GmDH logic and genetic algorithms for optimization. The most powerful software performs multiple integrated tasks. |
D.R.3 | Very good magazine. More product reviews and application of AI technology articles. |
D.W. | Interface between simple ?? Systems, like excel or ??, data access, and AI files for processing fuzzy logic, etc. programs. |
E.J. | Enjoy the wide range of topics and product reviews. Would like more advanced notice of AI-type conferences. AAAI is in this issue but I know there are others - I just don't know when. |
E.L. | More real world examples. |
E.R. | Good magazine - keep it up! |
E.W. | Your magazine helps me to keep abreast of the various fields of AI for future use, esp. business forecasting. |
F.M. | 1) More articles on "hybrid" analysis tools. Eg: neuro-fuzzy, geno-fuzzy, geno-neural, etc. - both linear and nonlinear. 2) Articles on treating the internet/web as a data warehouse and using OLAP tools (including hybrids above) and intelligent agents for finding "nuggets" for competitive advantage (to sell to firms). |
F.P. | I read it cover to cover (or close) |
F.T. | PC AI does a great job - keep up the good work!! |
G.H. | Keep up the good work. |
G.L. | It seems like a long time between issues. |
G.P. | Very nice - keep it going. |
H.S. | Great magazine - keep up the good work. |
I.F. | Articles are interesting. Actual industry examples are informative. General magazine layout is too black and too bold. What is really imporatant? On the page. |
J.A. | I'd like to see more general, language level articles, particularly on languages that are 1)available and 2) affordable. Whatever I implement has to run on HPUX, Linux (we use Debian), and Win32, so I'm most interested in portable products. Overall the most FUN programming/IT magazine that I look at. |
J.B. | I like it. More tutorials. |
J.C. | More neural network applications! Great magazine! |
J.C.1. | Great magazine - some of our products would make a good article for you. See our website www.envatec.com. |
J.K. | Very good. I am happy that your magazine continues even though the fad status of AI has passed. I think the PC is the most important platform for AI applications. |
J.K. | It's nice to know about AI capabilities on the PC. |
J.O. | What happened to AI Expert Magazine? |
J.P. | Keep up the good work - I enjoy your magazine. |
J.R. | Your magazine is very sophisticated and over the heads of most in the general population. Features I'd love to see: 1) Basic lessons (bi-monthly feature) 2) Real world application examples 3) Company profiles of organizations working on the "leading edge" of technology. |
J.S.1 | Expand coverage of SOM (Kohonen Networks), expand coverage of optimizing techniques. |
J.S.2 | I don't code AI applications but manage product development. Articles that emphasize the uses and applications of new technologies are valuable to me. |
K.I. | I read every issue from cover to cover. |
L.B.1 | Articles are very useful for undergraduate classes. Would like to see more about jobs for folks who know AI - now that the AI hype has gone, many new developers are unaware of the power (and use) of AI methods to problems of today." |
L.B.2 | I wish it were larger! I always enjoy it and feel it helps me keep up in an important area. Sometimes the articles are too technical for me but I assume I'm a little less technical than the target audience. |
L.S.1 | Useful and timely discussions. |
L.S.2 | A great magazine, where you learn about interesting products. |
L.W. | I like PC AI, although it often goes over my head. I have purchased software based on reviews or advertising in PC AI, most recently NeuralShell Trader. |
M.B. | Very much enjoy reading PC AI. |
M.D. | I enjoy it. Usually one article per issue is right on target for me. |
M.F. | Excellent articles on complex topics. Good resource. |
M.K.1 | I find the articles in your magazine useful. Fuzzy logic, neural nets, genetic programming, etc. along with examples have been of help. |
M.K.2 | Keep it coming! |
M.L. | I enjoy it very much. Although not a software developer I have managed a project. I have a long-term interest in applications of AI for medical decision making. |
M.M. | Content excellent. Design clumsy, old-fashioned, not inviting or easy to read. |
M.N. | I have taken your magazine for many years and enjoyed it - since my AI days at Texas Instruments. |
M.P. | Good "general interest" AI tool. |
M.V. | I like it. |
N.B. | Excellent reference magazine, but need to have more articles from a DM/KDD business perspective. |
N.V. | I like it - keeps me more or less "up to date" |
P.A. | I enjoy keeping track of the AI world through this journal/magazine. |
P.L. | Great job with the case studies! Please throw in a few articles (say, one per issue) that is a "refresher course" in the core concepts of a major area (eg fuzzy logic, etc.). By the way, this subscription extension is an excellent survey incentive. I typically won't fill out surveys for cash incentives or anything that requires further paperwork. |
P.M.1 | Length of articles is good. Articles are not too long so I can read several articles in each issue. |
P.M.2 | PC AI does a great job of describing new methods as they emerge. I still do mostly regression, but the new fields are really interesting, especially data mining and neural nets. |
R.A. | Knowledgeable articles. I want more on knowledge capturing and expert systems. |
R.C.1 | Good format. Articles of mixed interest (understandable considering breadth). Ads are interesting to check. |
R.C.2 | "No, but your survey is pleasingly short and to the point." |
R.L. | Wonderful - The only magazine I've found with a business emphasis on AI. |
R.M. | More info/articles about "knowledge management" would be helpful. |
R.R.1 | I enjoy the magazine, but would like to see more "real world" problems addressed in addition to reviews of current AI tools. |
R.R.2 | Would like to see more health related applications discussed. Would like periodically "review articles" about basic AI topics eg genetic algorithms and specific PC based applications. |
R.S. | Would like to see more business applications in sales and marketing. Would like to hear about success stories in knowledge engineering. |
S.B. | Great articles. |
S.G.1 | Very good. |
S.G.2 | It is probably the one magazine I read thoroughly. |
S.K. | Excellent coverage - more real world case studies would help. |
S.L.1 | I enjoy the magazine's application orientation, broad survey of AI tools. I would like to see more investment/finance applications as well as specific product reviews. |
S.L.2 | Excellent! |
S.M. | I like the very practical articles based on experiences. |
S.R.1 | Excellent articles. Keep publishing comparative list of vendor contact information (eg: expert shells, CBR tools, et al.) |
S.R.2 | One of the few things that I always take the time to read. |
S.W. | I've found it useful as supplemental teaching material for first year applied AI courses for non-major graduate students. |
T.B.1 | It would be great if you could include some more industrial applications. |
T.B.2 | I like it. The articles are useful for a practitioner. |
T.K. | Keep 'em coming! |
T.M. | I like the articles about AI applications and software reviews. Very useful. |
T.S. | I just started the prescription (subscription). |
T.T. | 1) You are my primary source of AI info 2) Trends in industry are always of interest. |
V.S. | Great source of information!! |
W.D. | I love it! Can't wait to get my copy. Articles are always on point. Buyers Guide and sources are invaluable. Great job, PC AI. Keep it up. |
W.E. | I get a lot from your publication. Thank you for the 6 month extension. |
W.G. | Very good. |
W.H. | Good coverage, up to date information, interesting short subjects. |
W.N. | Very useful application reviews. Would like to see a few more theoretical articles. |
W.R. | All aspects of AI. This magazine has been and continues to be an important source for keeping up with AI technology for my research and teaching (I teach a course in Applied Artificial networks, genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic). |
X.C. | Good magazine! Nice work. |
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