European Version of Business Rules Software Supports
Languages Such as German, Italian and French
Expert Solutions International announces the European version of Logist
4.1, their business rules software, which now enables European corporate
executives and employees to write business rules in natural European
languages such as German, Italian and French. Additional features
include Webbased Knowledge Builder, enabling organizations to update
rules via the Internet or Intranet, and an Audit Trail feature that
displays all rule versions and updates written since the creation
of the original rule. By collecting the enterprise business logic
from various sources, such as human knowledge and experience, organization's
procedures and documented policies, Logist can display the business
logic as rules written in natural human language. By writing business
rules in native language, and sharing their experience, knowledge
and ideas through a special knowledge chat room; business rules can
enhance automated decision-making and guidance. This results in an
immediate update of corporate knowledge base without interrupting
the workflow. Typical applications include billing verification; fraud
management; cross-selling; credit scoring and approval; explaining
tax, premium and other payment calculations following citizen/customer
questions; procurement management; inventory planning; database enhancement
and others.
Voice: 202.772.1130
Rule Management Targets Fast-Changing Business
ILOG, announces JRules 4.0, an enterprise-class business rule-engine
with tools to manage the business rule process from writing to testing
to deployment. The JRules Business Rule Repository, a centralized
location for storing business rules and related information is customizable,
enabling it to work with each organization's unique business rule
requirements. Its event management features enables users to create
rules for detecting complex time-oriented patterns within event
flows. Other features included advanced business rule templates
for easier and faster rule creation, and improved language support.
In many organizations, business rules originate in multiple departments
across many management levels, accelerating the need for business
rule management across an enterprise-wide audience. Businesses need
the ability to view business rule history, assign and track business
rule versions over time, control access to business rules as well
as query and manage business rule status. While a business analyst
analyzes changes to policy, another analyst must implement global
changes to rules The repository is open and completely extensible,
based on industry standards such as the MOF (OMG's Meta Object Facility),
XMI (OMG's XML Metadata Interchange) and JMI (Java Metadata Interface).
New event management features target applications that monitor a
continuous flow of data and events - applications such as fraud
detection, trading systems, security, network management and supply-chain
As business rules are critical
for automating security-essential measures such as screening,
profiling, fraud detection, and cross-border transaction
monitoring, event management features help meet government-mandated
security requirements. Web services can have corporate policies
applied consistently across all business transactions regardless
of whether the rules interface is across the intranet, extranet,
Internet, call centers or mobile devices.
Voice: 800.FOR.ILOG

Business Intelligence Integration
Meta5, Inc announced Meta5 Version 4.2 designed to incorporate and
automate corporate program applications and data, presenting a solution
for multi-sourced data analysis. It integrates data and applications
within a visual-reporting environment incorporating other Windows-based
applications such as Word, Excel, Business Objects, Brio, and e-mail.
Based on the original Metaphor and IBM's DIS/IDS product, several
new features were added including new icons to improve integration
by simplifying and streamlining the process of creating and updating
Excel, Word, and Lotus 1-2-3 documents as well as many PC-based
applications. Xlaunch Transformer allows Excel object control for
creating dynamic tabs and graphs based upon database values. WordTool
Tranformer enables creating Word documents based upon dynamic data
Meta5 Inc.
Voice: 631.587.6800 (Does not return with Back command)