Quality Control and Improvement with Data Mining
StatSoft, Inc. announces STATISTICA QC Miner,
software that monitors processes, identifies and anticipates problems
related to quality control and improvement. This combination of
StatSoft's quality control and improvement software with STATISTICA
Data Miner software uncovers hidden trends, explains known patterns,
predicts the quality future and discovers the root cause of problems.
It integrates all quality control charts, process capability analyses,
experimental design procedures, and Six Sigma methods and charts
with a comprehensive library of techniques for exploratory and predictive
data mining and discovery. It employs multithreading and distributed
processing to rapidly process large streams of data and predict
QC problems. It connects to live data streams and automatically
updates as new data (samples, observations) become available or
actively poll external databases to retrieve samples at predefined
intervals. It connects to data residing on your local computer,
or to data in extremely large remote databases for in-place database
processing. With practically no limit to the size of the data stream,
it screens unlimited numbers of characteristics (i.e., variables
or features) and records. Fully programmable, customize it using
industry standard language syntax (VB, C++). Client-Server versions
use multithreading and distributed processing to scale to batteries
of RDE (Rapid Deployment Engine) and web servers.
StatSoft, Inc.
Voice: 918.749.1119
Business Activity Monitoring
Vineyardsoft Corporation, announces KnowledgeSync 2000, software
that monitors and responds to critical information.
across an organization - whether sales
data, customer service data, financial data, manufacturing data, system
statistics, or incoming e-mails. Each organization identifies the
conditions that they need to manage. By integrating with common business
application, it delivers key information via e-mail, fax, pager, PDA,
cellular phone, and web. It can take critical information from one
application and use it to update key components of related software
products. Try a free 30-day trial by downloading the application from
their web site.
VineyardSoft Corporation
Voice: 802.899.1265
Gensym Announces Availability
of G2 6.2
Gensym Corporation announces G2 Version 6.2 with enhancements to
its model-based reasoning and integration capabilities, as requested
by the user community. Included are graphical enhancements to extend
the user interface, enhance its ability to integrate expert system
functionality within operational systems and the inclusion of new
ActiveX control for the user interface client, Telewindows. Developers
can now provide full interactive access to a application from within
a Windows ActiveX container, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer
or a custom application built in Microsoft Visual Basic. To maximize
deployment flexibility, the Telewindows ActiveX control connects
to a G2-server application running on any supported operating system
platforms, including Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and Linux.
Gensym Corp
Voice: 781.265.7100
Digital Image/Video Search/Retrieval Software
Development Kit (SDK)
Convera announces Visual RetrievalWare 5.0, an image and video development
environment for creating applications to find items based on image
and video content rather than words. Feature extractors include
color, shape and texture indexing for images, as well as Convera's
Video Analysis Engine (VAE) with independent, pluggable analysis
components that perform automated shot-boundary detection (frame-accurate
identification of cuts, fades, and dissolves), clip matching and
more. Clip matching, identifying similar sequences of frames using
fuzzy pattern recognition, enables live streams or enormous video
library searches for matching sequences of arbitrary format, dimension,
frame rate and duration. The SDK supports 20 widely used image and
video formats including PCX, PNM, SGIRGB, TGA and XPM, BMP, DDIF,
GIF, ICO, JFIF, PDA, PNG, TIFF and XBM. Supported video formats
include AVI, FIT, MPEG2, PIT, QT, TYS and SMJ. New enhancements
include MPEG decompression performance and image format support,
support for QuickTime 5 and an upgrade to Tcl/Tk 8.4a4. New algorithm
features enhancements for automatic video clip indexing and fuzzy
Voice: 800.788.7758