international soft computing,
artificial intelligence, computational intelligence researchers, developers,
practitioners and users. It serves as a forum to present current and
future work as well as exchange research ideas in this field. ISDA03
invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that
demonstrate current research in all areas of intelligent systems and
their applications in science, technology, business and commercial.
ISDA 2003
Voice: 918.594.8188
Fax: 918.594.8281
DEXA 2003
The aim of the 5th International Conference on Database and Expert
Systems Applications (DEXA), to be held September 1-5, 2003 in Prague,
Czech Republic, is to present both research contributions in the
area of data base and expert systems. In addition to a large spectrum
of already implemented or just being developed applications, DEXA
will offer the opportunity to extensively discuss requirements,
problems, and solutions in the field. The workshop and conference
should inspire a fruitful dialogue between developers in practice,
users of database and expert systems, and scientists working in
the field. For further inquiries, please contact: Prof. Dr. Roland
R. Wagner, FAW, University of Linz, A-4040 Linz, Austria.
DEXA 2003
Partners on Decision Support System
(DSS) and Data Mining Books
Megaputer Intelligence Inc., announces a partnership with Prentice
Hall to offer a suite of Megaputer data analysis software tools
to accompany two new Prentice Hall books: Decision Support Systems
in the 21st Century and Modern Data Warehousing, Mining, and Visualization
by George M. Marakas. These new Prentice Hall textbooks, aimed at
MBA and Information Systems students, discuss the utilization of
modern IT systems in the decision making process of business managers.
The current aggressive industry trend for using advanced DSS tools
to make better business decisions created the
need for new textbooks that going beyond
an overview of the field and providing students with the hands-on
experience in using standard data analysis systems. The recent addition
of new data mining tools helps these new Prentice Hall textbooks
stand out as they supplement the theoretical background of business
students with practical data analysis skills sought by employers.
The Megaputer data mining suite, PolyAnalyst, a data mining and
visualization tool offering algorithms for analyzing both structured
and unstructured data, as well as their other analytical systems
are shipping with both Prentice Hall