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Prolog Fundamentals:

A Logic Programming Tutorial

By Thomas Linder Puls

      This tutorial covers the fundamental concepts behind Prolog programming. Although most Prolog interpreters can execute the examples in this tutorial, we use the Prolog Inference Engine (PIE) example included in the Visual Prolog 6 distribution from the Prolog Development Center (PDC - PIE is a classical Prolog interpreter that assists in learning and experimenting with Prolog.

Horn Clause Logic
      Horn Clause logic, which forms the basis of Visual Prolog and other Prolog dialects, is a formal system for reasoning between things and how they relate to each other. For example, in english we could express the statement:

    John is the father of Bill.

Here there are two things: John and Bill, and a relation between them, namely that one is the father of the other. In Horn Clause Logic, this statement formalizes as:

    father(“Bill”, “John”).

where father is a predicate/relation taking two arguments, with the second argument being the father of the first. Notice that we define the second person as the father of the first. We could have also chosen it the other way around: Although the order of the arguments is the choice of the formalization designer, once chosen, the logic must remain consistent. Therefore, in this formalization the father is always the second person listed.
      In these examples, their names represent the people (which are string literals). In a more complex world, this is insufficient since many people have the same name. However, for now this simple formalization will work for this tutorial. With formalizations such as the one above it is possible to state any type of family relation. For this to become at all interesting, however, we also have to formalize rules such as:

    X is the grandfather of Z, if X is the father of Y and Y is     the father of Z

where X, Y and Z are people. Horn Clause Logic formalizes this rule as follows:

    grandFather(Person, GrandFather) :-
    father(Person, Father), father(Father, GrandFather).

This example uses variable names to improve understanding as compared to X, Y and Z and introduces a predicate for the grandfather relation. To be consistent, the GrandFather is the second argument and arguments of any other predicates should follow a similar principle. When reading rules, interpret “:-“ as if and the comma that separates the relations as and.
         Facts are statements such as “John is the father of Bill”, while rules are statements such as “X is the grandfather of Z, if X is the father of Y and Y is the father of Z”. With facts and rules, we are ready to formulate theories. A theory is a collection of facts and rules such as:

    father(“Bill”, “John”).
    father(“Pam”, “Bill”).
    grandFather(Person, GrandFather) :-
           father(Person, Father),
    father(Father, GrandFather).

The purpose of the above theory is to answer questions such as:

    Is John the father of Sue?
    Who is the father of Pam?
    Is John the grandfather of Pam?


      Formalizing these questions as goals (respectively):

    ?- father(“Sue”, “John”).
    ?- father(“Pam”, X).
    ?- grandFather(“Pam”, “John”).

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