Real Options Analysis Toolkit and Training
Decisioneering, Inc., announces the Real Options Analysis Toolkit,
a software, training, and consulting package enabling companies to
capture and communicate their projects value, including research and
development, mergers and acquisitions, e-business project prioritization,
and contract valuation. The Toolkit consists of 33 models and 69 functions,
covering all forms of real-options analytics. Using spreadsheet-based
.NET software applications, it analyzes and calculates real options
and incorporates them into custom spreadsheet models, and presents
a framework for identifying, valuing, selecting, and prioritizing
the correct projects. It leverages existing static analysis while
adding layers of sophistication including dynamic simulation, real
options analysis and optimization. Real options analysis has application
in numerous industries, including high tech, communications, mining
utilities, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and oil and gas. The Real
Options for Analysts Training, a two-day course, focuses on detailed
case studies and practice valuation models. The training and toolkit
package includes the software, which is required for the course.
Decisioneering, Inc.
Voice: 800.289.2550
Best Practices, Business Policies
and Decision Criteria in Intuitive Business Terms
Fair, Isaac and Company, Inc. announces Blaze Advisor 4.5, a rules
management technology, offers application designers new flexibility
in selecting how the rule engine should process the business rules
they have defined. This integrated software suite enables enterprises
to express their own best practices, business policies and decision
criteria in intuitive business terms. A classic inference network
supports a large set of rules with many interdependencies, while a
new sequential mode allows efficient fixed-order rule processing against
large data sets. This new option is well suited to many types of batch
applications. A single application can use both processing methods
in the course of making a business decision, with different rule groups
partitioned for most effective execution and maintenance. This release
also extends the solutions exclusive custom generation of web-based
rule management screens to include decision tables. Business managers
use a web browser to manage thousands of rules in a compact grid,
similar to a spreadsheet. They make changes at any time without learning
programming syntax or specialized editor operation. There are numerous
enhancements including compatibility with the Java Community Process
specification for Java rule engine interfaces (JSR-94) as well as
user interface improvements such as extensive context-sensitive help
and easier access to rule projects and documentation.
Fair Isaac & Company
Voice: 415.492.5373