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Article Index Volume 11- 1997
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Article Index - Volume 11

Pg #
Review: ModelQuest - Automating Solution Discovery Rapaport, J & S 11.6 Nov/Dec '97 28 Abtech's ModelQuest, a program that builds and evaluates models
Vendor's Forum: LPA Prolog in Action Spenser, C. 11.6 Nov/Dec '97 40 An inside look at Logic Programming Assocs' Prolog
Agents: Agents of Contingency Rasmus, D. 11.6 Nov/Dec '97 38 A look at intelligent agents
Intelligence Files: A New Look for the NN Industry Blanchard, D. 11.6 Nov/Dec '97 37 A look at various companies using NN technology
Next Generation Spreadsheet Computing Hyvonen, E. et al 11.6 Nov/Dec '97 32 Using spreadsheets to extend ordinary arithmetic
New Technology in a Large Customer Call Center Thomas, H., et al 11.6 Nov/Dec '97 24 A look at Case-Based Reasoning put to use in a consumer call center
Modeling Methodology 1: Configuring the NN Solution Dwinnell, W. 11.6 Nov/Dec '97 21 Description of data collection and processing for the development of NNs
ai@work various authors 11.6 Nov/Dec '97 16 How do businesses use AI
Review: e, an evolutionary learning tool Dwinnell, W. 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 38 A look at e, the evolutionary algorithm
Intelligence Files: The Second great Age of AI Blanchard, D. 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 50 The latest mergers, acquisitions, and company shufflings in AI
What Should Agents Learn? Rasmus, D. 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 41 Examines emotive agents, specifically Fin Fin
Measuring Human Skill: An Expert System Approach Breaky, A., et al. 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 34 An ES is developed to help students succeed in a trades program in Canada
Vendor's Forum: The Genetic Programming System Ruby, S. 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 31 The thought process behind the Genetic Programming System
Genetic Algorithms in Battlefield Communications Chang, T. 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 28 GAs are combined with an ES to train military personnel
Data Mining and Genetic Programming Colin, A. 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 23 How data mining can use genetic programming in various applications
Data Mining and the Financial Markets Rathburn, T. 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 20 Conclusion of series about data mining in the financial markets
Data Mining at Work various 11.5 Sept/Oct '97 16 Success stories from five vendors of data mining products

Review: WizSoft Software Rapaport, J. 11.4

Jul/Aug '97

16 Reviews of WizSoft's WizRule and WizWhy
Intelligence Files: Merger Mania Hits AI Blanchard, D. 11.4 Jul/Aug '97 50 Recent mergers & acquisitions in the AI industry
Agents: Making Better Agents Rasmus, D. 11.4 Jul/Aug '97 39 How to make a better agent
Interview: Russell Henke Hengl, T. 11.4 Jul/Aug '97 28 Interview with Russell Henke, President of Franz, Inc.
Redefining Knowledge Rasmus, D. 11.4 Jul/Aug '97 35 Exploring the issues that pertain to managing knowledge in the corporate sector
A Knowledge-Based Decision System Creswell, D. 11.4 Jul/Aug '97 32 A knowledge based system that arrives at important decisions about R&D projects
Knowledge Verification Hicks, R. 11.4 Jul/Aug '97 25 The process to determine if the knowledge in an ES is needed for the job
Knowledge-Based CAD Duggan, K. et al 11.4 Jul/Aug '97 22 How a modern CAD system came to be
Data-Mining in the Financial Markets: Data-Related Issues Rathburn, T. 11.4 Jul/Aug '97 19 Three-part series on data mining related issues

Cybernautica: The Search is on . . . the Web Berghel, H. 11.3 May/Jun '97 49 Examining search engines on the Web
Vendor's Forum: The Fuzzy Judgement Maker McNeill, M. 11.3 May/Jun '97 35 The thought process behind the Fuzzy Judgment Maker
Interview: Gerard Montgomery Hengl, T. 11.3 May/Jun '97 32 Interview with Gerald Montgomery, founder of the AbTech Corporation
Agents: The Joys of Remote Programming Rasmus, D. 11.3 May/Jun '97 24 How agents use remote programming to accomplish their goals
Taming Complexity in Large-Scale Fuzzy Systems Andrews, J. 11.3 May/Jun '97 39 Exploring the Combs Method and its importance to the future of fuzziness
Neural Nets and OLE: Showing the Connections Sprague, A. 11.3 May/Jun '97 27 NNs and OLE combine in an application that shows Artificial Neural functioning
Data-Mining in the Financial Markets: Product Definintion Rathburn, T. 11.3 May/Jun '97 19 First in a three part series exploring data mining
An Expert System for Aerospace Tribble, R.C. et al 11.3 May/Jun '97 16 An ES that helps spacecraft contamination control engineers

Cybernautica: Digital Postcards Berghel, H. 11.2 Mar/Apr '97 49 Digital Postcards sent by e-mail
Agents: A New Agency Rasmus, D. 11.2 Mar/Apr '97 37 A look at Agents
Vendor's Forum: Generic Blackboard Builder Tramara, S. 11.2 Mar/Apr '97 32 A look at Blackboard Technology's Generic Blackboard Builder (GBB)
Intelligent Tax Forms Chang, T. 11.2 Mar/Apr '97 39 A plug-in that lets you enter tax info, explore tax scenarios, and file your forms
Objects and the Web: CORBA Meets HTTP Chauvet, J. 11.2 Mar/Apr '97 24 How CORBA works with Hypertext Transfer Protocol Chauvet, J. 11.2 Mar/Apr '97 24 How CORBA works with Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Web-Based AI: Expert Systems on the WWW Huntington, D. 11.2 Mar/Apr '97 20 A look at the development steps of creating a sample ES on the Web
The Object of Workflow Rasmus, D. 11.2 Mar/Apr '97 16 Systematizing workflow using the OO approach

Cybernautica: Virtual Reality is Virtually Here Berghel, H. 11.1 Jan/Feb '97 50 The world of virtual reality is quickly approaching
Vendor's Forum: Enterprise Modeling Server Cook, C. 11.1 Jan/Feb '97 35 The thought process behind Enterprise Modeling Server
Intelligent Web Search Engines Burke, et al 11.1 Jan/Feb '97 39 Discussing FAQFinder and FindMe
Intelligent Sales Configuration Carson, C. 11.1 Jan/Feb '97 31 Reporting on Sales Configurators, a tool that enables salespeople to better deliver quotes
Adaptive Software Norvig, P. et al 11.1 Jan/Feb '97 27 Increasing effectiveness and reducing the strain on software and software developers
Business Rules for the Object Model Chauvet, J. et al 11.1 Jan/Feb '97 23 Using business rules on the object model
Getting Down to Cases: Principles for Effective CBR Strategy Klahr, P. 11.1 Jan/Feb '97 16 How to successfully implement CBR technology to provide world-class service


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