points. Improved data management enables decision tree
design even when sample data is incomplete or unavailable. Populate
with data and refine the results once the strategies are explicitly
defined. It integrates with Fair, Isaac solutions or clients
existing systems. Directly export Strategies to Fair, Isaac Blaze
Decision System software as well as to TRIAD adaptive control system,
versions 6 and 7, or save them as XML, SQL code, TSYS or FDR tables.
Usability |
enhancements include extended
printing support and improved project management. Recover temporarily
deleted items and produce hardcopy records of the many included online
analysis tools.
Fair Isaac & Company
Voice: 415.492.5373

Optimization Software Includes Asset Management
and Financial Planning
ILOG announces ILOG CPLEX version 8.0 of their optimization software
for solving linear, mixed-integer and quadratic programming problems
in mission-critical resource allocation applications. It now includes
features designed exclusively for asset management and financial
planning applications. Its increase in speed is particularly important