Where Intelligent Technology Meets the Real World
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Volume 14, Issue 1
Jan/Feb 2000
Theme: Intelligent Applications

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Rule-Based Management of Options Trading Kenneth A. Bowen describes a Prolog-based expert system for currency options trading in international finance.
Exploring MARS:  An Alternative to Neural Networks Will Dwinnell explores a proven statistics based modeling tool, useful in a variety of learning problems, and competitive with neural networks and non-parametric regressions.
Data Mining Add-ins for Excel and Access:  New Directions for Data Mining Technology Eric Apps predicts how Microsoft is evolving their Office Suite to support the collecting, analyzing, and acting on data captured from various sources within any size organization.
AI@Work Managing E-Commerce Performance with Neural Networks
Where the *@#! is That?  The Art of Text Query Elizabeth Thede demonstrates powerful techniques for using advanced text search programs to quickly find the correct documents.
New Trends in Expert Systems Development and Implementation:  The 3rd Generation of Expert Systems Rick Hicks examines new trends in expert systems development and implementations.
Fuzzy SQL - A Tool for Finding the Truth:  The Power of Approximate Database Queries Earl Cox illustrates how imprecision can improve production database searching and how a decrease in precision can give an unexpected increase in accuracy.

Intelligence Files - Microsoft Builds a Speech Recognition Empire by David Blanchard
AI and the Net - Tech Support Under the Hood by Mary Kroening
The Book Zone - VRML Clearly Explained and Visualization of Categorical Data by Will Dwinnell
Product Updates -------------------------------> 19 late breaking product announcements from around the world in the fields of:
  Business Forecasting Data Mining and Data Analysis
  Fuzzy Logic Genetic Algorithms
  Internet and Web Knowledge Based Systems
  Languages Modeling and Simulation
  Natural Language Reasoning Object Oriented Development
Product Service Guide - Provides access to information on an entire category of products    
PC AI Blackboard - AI advertisers bulletin board    

Advertiser List for 14.1
AAAI  dtSoftware QMC
AI Developers  Franz, Inc Sonalyst 
Amzi! Inc.  Frontier Global Center Salford Systems
And Corporation Logic Programming Associates Ltd StatSoft
Angoss Software Corporation The MathWorks System Dynamics International Inc
Applied Logic Systems Megaputer Intelligence  Trinc
ATTAR Software USA Metus  Ward Systems Group Inc
BinNet NeuroDimension WizSoft Inc
BioComp PA EXPO Worldfree.net
Botspot  Production Systems Technology  
California Scientific Software  Prolog Development Center   


For the last four years the Y2K problem has held the attention, and the budget, of most computer based and IT operations (with cost estimates exceeding $6 trillion worldwide).  While it has forced many companies to update to more modern, and therefore more powerful hardware and software, we have not seen many changes in the fundamental way companies operate their business.  They still use keyboard data entry, procedural based programming, multiple disconnected databases, and manually directed data search and discovery.  Although the hardware and software upgrades simplify the introduction of the newest and latest intelligent applications, there has been little budget or resources for anything else but Y2K.  Now, as we turn that corner with modern systems in place, and the financial and technical resources available, we should see interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence based applications grow.  And not because it is an interesting technology but because it can have major positive impacts on the bottom line of companies that understand its application.  In this issue we present examples of this technology and its benefits.
  We recently completed a reader survey and were quite satisfied to hear that, for the most part, you like the direction and focus of PC AI . . . (You can see a summary of the results on our web site at www.pcai.com/web/PCAI_Info/Survey_Results_11.99 ).  You, our readers, have requested more real world applications such as those in our AI @ Work feature or in this issue Ken Bowen's ("Rule Based Management of Options Trading") article.  Many of you wanted more tutorials and "how-to" focused articles such as Elizabeth Thede's discussion on advanced text searching.  Now, while some wanted the more thorny and technically high level articles (see Will Dwinnell "Exploring MARS:  An Alternative to Neural Networks" or Earl Cox's article on FuzzySQL), most of you want the more basic articles with a "get me up to speed" focus (see Eric Apps "Data Mining Add-ins for Excel and Access").  What this tells us is that at every level of business from the technical guru to the domain expert, from the local business manager, to high level management, you seek the most intelligent and cost effective solution to your business problems.  In addition to the articles already mentioned, this issue includes information on expert systems, intelligent web applications, neural networks, data visualization and much more.
  This is what we have been dedicated to for the last 13 years.  And, as we enter the new century and millennium, we will continue to listen to your comments and provide more of what you need to help make your business smarter, quicker, more efficient and cost effective - not to mention interesting.
  Terry Hengl Publisher 

Volume 14---------------------> Issue 1 (Jan/Feb 1998)   Volume 15 Index (2001)
  Issue 2 (Mar/Apr 1998)   Volume 14 Index (2000)
Issue 3 (May/Jun 1998)   Volume 13 Index (1999)
Issue 4 (Jul/Aug 1998)   Volume 12 Index (1998)
Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 1998)   Volume 11 Index (1997)
Issue 6 (Nov/Dec 1998)   Volume 10 Index (1996)
      Volume 9 Index (1995)
      Volume 8 Index (1994)

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