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Theme: Neural Networks
Table of Contents
Volume 18, Number 3
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Indexed vs. Unindexed Searching: From Security Classifications to Forensics
Elizabeth Thede discusses the differences between indexed and unindexed searching and when to use which technique.

Neural Nets and Scientific Discovery: A Match Made in AI Heaven
Ilana Marks presents some of the ways that neural network technologies are being used to expedite the scientific research process and provide valuable insights that might otherwise be overlooked.


Page 24

The Visual Development of Rule-Based Systems
Charles Langley and Clive Spenser
detail the creation of a rule-based systems using visual representations of rules rather than traditional text-based representations.

Page 29


Protege, Ontology and Knowledge Acquisition: Knowledge Representation, the Foundation of Intelligent Systems
Terry Hengl discusses a knowledge-base application development tool called Protege and how it uses ontologies to define terms and concepts in useful ways.

Page 37
Cover: PC AI Window into the Galaxy

Book Zone
* Applying UML
* Text Mining: Predictive Methods for Analyzing Unstructured Information
* Spoken Dialogue Technology: Towards the Conversational User Interface
* Fuzzy Control of Queuing Systems
* Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition

*Requirements Engineering
*Object-Oriented Construction Handbook: Developing Application-Oriented Software with the Tools & Materials Approach
Ilana Marks

Buyers Guide
Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy SQL, Intelligent Process Control, Neural Networks, Speech Recognition, Text Mining, Web Utilities

Regular Features

(pages 5-7)
Ilana Marks

Product Update
Business Applications, Data Mining and Modeling, Decision Support, Intelligent Search Tools, Intelligent Tools, Modeling, Robotics, Announcements, AI Conferences, Training

AI-Q Crossword Puzzle
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Speech Recognition
Ilana Marks

AI and the Net
Virtual Museum Education Assistant, Call Center Computers, Nose Mouse, Network of Robotic Telescopes, and more.
Ilana Marks


(pages 74-76)

Classifieds and Recruiting - Ad Index

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18.3 Table of Contents
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