Where Intelligent Technology Meets the Real World
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Volume 10, Issue 1
Jan/Feb 1996
Theme: Intelligent Applications

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Intelligent Data Entry - A Multimedia Expert System -- Linda E. Tway and William R. Riedel's feature article explains how COREXPERT, a knowledge-based multimedia system, helps with the data entry process at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The system improves the quality of a database accessible to scientists around the world.
Smart Safety Plans -- Joe Goodner and Judith Markowitz write about an expert system called SSP used by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to generate health and safety plans.
Knowledge-Based Product Configuration -- In today's highly competitive business arena, manufacturers focus on individual customer needs and respond rapidly to market changes. The do this by facilitating the process of product configuration. Charles Carson discusses knowledge-based applications that help resolve business issues associated with this process.
Making the Switch - An Expert System for Digital Multiplex Systems -- In a telephone switch (a device for routing phone calls), a number of things can go wrong. Johnn Dooley discusses a trouble shooting expert system, DMSES, that telecommunications giant Nortel distributes with the switches it sells to phone companies.
Automated Modeling - MATLAB Manages Equity Portfolios at Daiwa Securities -- Athanasios Pittaras examines a portfolio management tool which automates math models to set up investment portfolios that carry minimal risk used at Daiwa Securities, Ltd.

Vendor's Forum - LEVEL5 Quest - Fuzzy Searches, Databases On the Web Ron Hencin of Level Five Research describes the thinking behind LEVEL5 Quest, a new product line that provides an alternative to traditional database access and publishing.
Cybernautica - A Web Monopoly? Hal Berghel reports on the domination of one type of platform and one company on the World Wide Web.
Product Updates ----------------------------> 19 late breaking product announcements from around the world in the fields of:
  Call for Papers Client/Server
  Conferences Data Mining
  Education Fuzzy Logic
  Genetic Algorithms Helpdesk Systems
  Intelligent Tools Internet
  Neural Networks Object Oriented Development
PC AI Buyer's Guide ----------------------> Intelligent Tools Languages
Product Service Guide - Provides access to information on an entire category of products    
PC AI Blackboard - AI advertisers bulletin board    

Advertiser List for 10.1
AAAI Gold Hill Inc PAAM96
AbTech Corporation Harlequin Inc PC AI Internet Report
American Heuristics Corp Hess Consulting Primenet Inc
Amzi! Inc HyperLogic Corporation Production Systems Tech
Applied Logic Systems Inc Information Builders Prolog Development Center
ATTAR Software USA Intelligent Machines REDUCT Systems Inc
Axcelis Inc Kemp-Carraway Heart Institute Soft Warehouse Inc
Blackboard Technology Group KnowledgeBroker Inc Talarian Corporation
California Scientific Software Logic Programming Assoc Teknowledge Corporation
Cogito Software Inc Man Machine Interfaces TERANET IA Inc
DB EXPO `95 New York Network Cybernetics Corp The Haley Enterprise Inc
EXSYS Inc NeuralWare Inc The Schwartz Associates
FuziWare Inc NeuroDimension Inc Virtual Genetic Systems Inc
Fuzzy Systems Engineering OXKO Corporation Ward Systems Group Inc


A Perfect 10

This issue marks the beginning of our tenth year. From the start, we've brought you usable up-to-the-minute information from the world of Artificial Intelligence, particularly as it relates to the kinds of computers you work with every day.
  The changes during the years of our existence have been breathtaking. When we started, AI on PCs was a pipedream in the minds of a few. Today it's a reality in many laptops and desktops.
  Ten years ago, expert systems were a flashy standalone technology just barely making it out of the groves of academe via complex computing machinery. Today, expert systems combine with other business applications to quietly solve important commercial problems. Ten years ago, PCs themselves were a standalone technology. Today, they form LANs, WANs, and MANs to leverage their increasing power.
  Ten years ago, neural nets were barely known. Today, they're hot. Ten years ago, the Internet was the province of the research community. Today it belongs to the world, and it's the driving force behind numerous applications. Almost a decade ago, I was casually browsing in the magazine section of a computer store in Virginia when I came upon the first issue PC AI. Today ...
  Today we present articles on real-world Intelligent Applications. Long-time readers will note that the presentation appears in a brand-new format. New fonts and artistic layouts adorn these pages. The standards for our content, however, haven't changed. Our articles retain the same high levels of information and readability that I've demanded since I became Editor.
  We lead off with Linda Tway and Bill Riedel's "Intelligent Data Entry," a look at AI techniques and multimedia tools that ensure data integrity in a database. Joe Goodner and Judith Markowitz follow with "Smart Safety Plans." Their expert system helps generate the steps that guarantee the well-being of workers who clean up hazardous waste sites.
  In "Knowledge-Based Product Configuration," Charles Carson discusses business issues involved in assembling a product and shows how AI can be an integral part of the process. Johnn Dooley's "Making the Switch" is an in-depth look at an expert system that directs troubleshooting in digital multiplex switches in telephone systems. Athanasios Pittaras, in "Automated Modelling," describes a MATLAB-based tool for modeling portfolio performance in financial markets.
  Our Vendor's Forum takes you inside LEVEL5 Quest, a fuzzy logic-based line of tools for intelligent search through databases. Hal Berghel's latest installment of "Cybernautica" examines some possibly alarming trends in the business of cyberspace.
  All through this year, you'll be seeing a new PC AI evolve right before your eyes -- an evolution that reflects the fast-breaking changes in our field. Our appearance is only part of the picture. Our scope will gradually widen, as we include an increasing number of articles that report on complex systems which augment human intelligence. We'll continue to bring you the most usable AI-related information you'll find anywhere: We'll supplement that information by keeping you up-to-date on software that helps you work, learn, and create.
  Our first nine years were an exciting ride. They set the stage for all that's yet to come. The ride ahead promises to increase the excitement immeasurably as new technologies come to the forefront.
  Happy New Year. Join us as we make the future unfold.
  Joseph Schmuller

Volume 10---------------------> Issue 1 (Jan/Feb 1996)   Volume 15 Index (2001)
  Issue 2 (Mar/Apr 1996)   Volume 14 Index (2000)
Issue 3 (May/Jun 1996)   Volume 13 Index (1999)
Issue 4 (Jul/Aug 1996)   Volume 12 Index (1998)
Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 1996)   Volume 11 Index (1997)
Issue 6 (Nov/Dec 1996)   Volume 10 Index (1996)
      Volume 9 Index (1995)
      Volume 8 Index (1994)

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