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Blackboard Technology
Overview: A blackboard architecture has three major components:
* a hierarchically organized global memory or database called a blackboard which saves the solutions generated by the knowledge sources;
* a collection of knowledge sources that generate independent solutions on the blackboard using expert systems, neural networks, and numerical analysis;
* a separate control module or scheduler which reviews the knowledge sources and selects the most appropriate one.

The advantages of a blackboard include separation of knowledge into independent modules with each module being free to use the appropriate technology to arrive at the best solution with the most efficiency. An additional advantage of the independent modules is the potential for using separate computing units for the independent knowledge sources, thus allowing distributed computing. This approach allows for rapid prototyping of complex problems and simplifies long-term system maintenance.

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Blackboard Technology Information on the Internet
Annotated Blackboard-Systems Bibliography Books, articles, and papers about problem-solving using blackboard technology compiled by the Blackboard Technology Group. 
Blackboard Systems - Abstract Blackboard system definition and use as published in AI Magazine (1986). The actual article currently isn't available but the KSL reports can be searched for other articles and abstracts. 
BBS Knowledge Intensive Control "The Evolution of Blackboard Control Architectures" N. Carver and V. Lesser, Expert Systems with Applications. A technical report is available in post script format. 
Blackboard Systems - UM The Evolution of Blackboard Control Architectures from Expert Systems with Applications available in postscript format from Univ. of Mass. 
Tiny Blackboard System Demo Arvindra Sehmi's tiny blackboard system sample described in the review of Amzi! Prolog+Logic Server in the Sep/Oct issue of PC AI. Article size: 887 kbytes. 

Sponsors of PC AI: Blackboard Technology Vendors
QMC provides an advanced generation of PC-based software technologies that interpret, analyze, and configure data for any process in any industry. 

Blackboard Technology Vendors
Specializes in software development using blackboard technology. Products including Generic Blackbaord Builder, NetGBB, ChalkBox, GBB Runtime and a GBB demonstraton application. (413)256-8990; (800)577-8990. 
Dynamic Search Engine References
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Article References
Blackboard Systems Lander, Scott (1992) PC AI, 6(1), page 27. 
Encyclopedia Of Artificial Intelligence (Bibliography - 48 Refs) Stuart C. Shapiro, 1992, Wiley and Sons, page 124-127. 

Book References
Handbook Of Artificial Intelligence, Vol 1 Avron Barr & Edward Feigenbaum, 1981, Willam Kaufmann, Inc, pgs 343-346. 
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Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representations and Programming Languages Maurizio Lenzerini, 1991, Wiley and Sons, 310pp. 
Crafting Knowledge-Based Systems Nielsen, R. - SRI International, 1988, Wiley and Sons, 342pp. 
Encyclopedia Of Artificial Intelligence Stuart C. Shapiro, 1992, Wiley and Sons, pgs 116-126. 

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