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Data Mining

Overview: Data mining or knowledge discovery is becoming more important as more and more corporate data is being computerized. Intelligent applications, such as neural networks and genetic algorithms are ideal for finding trends and unknown information from the vast quantities of computer data.

Glossary Link - Data Mining


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Data Warehouse and Data Mining Information on the Internet
Data Mining 4 UAn informational web site on Data Mining from the basics of data mining to applications, approaches, architectures, books, case studies, concepts, vendors, techniques, methods, programs, and much more.
Data Warehousing - Data Warehousing Knowledge CenterA source of information about data warehousing technologies.
Datawarehousing.comDocuments data warehousing, data replication, and data transformation sites on the Web.
The Data MineA repository for information on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 
The Data Warehousing Information CenterLearn about data warehousing and decision support systems.
Find quantitative employment, including data mining, statistics, actuary and finance jobs with D.W. Simpson executive search firm. 
The International Data Warehousing AssociationSee The Navigator On-Line, the official web site of the iDWA. Features the latest Navigator Newsletter, iDWA News, Data Warehousing Refernece Information, and more. 
LookSmart - Data MiningLinks to sites with information about data mining news, consultants, software, text mining, and more.
Other Web Sites for Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryFrom KD Nuggets, includes data mining topic index, search engine. 
White Papers on MiningWhat follows is a list of white papers which either are particularly good at providing an overview of a data warehousing topic or explain a perspective not often discussed. 
Will's Technical PageA collection of articles and other technical resources for artificial intelligence (especially data mining and machine learning).

Sponsors of PC AI - Data Warehouse and Data Mining Vendors


DCI has earned its reputation as a world leader in high-technology education, trade shows, and management consulting. DCI is focused on creating unbiased, comprehensive and cutting-edge computer software, hardware, and communications education. The company conducts the highest profile technology shows for users and professional developers of information technology. As the largest American company of its kind, DCI has attracted more than a million IT and business professionals in the last decade.
Providers of intelligent web tools, expert systems development tools, data mining, and prolog-based AI products for Windows and Macintosh. 
Provider of data mining solutions including multi-strategy suite for knowledge discovery in databases. Innovative algorithms for clustering, classification, prediction, modeling, and explanation are supplemented by interactive graphics, data import from any ODBC database, object-oriented GUI, and direct communication with data warehouses (IBM VW) and spreadsheets (Excel).
Product information and literature. Specializing in automated reasoning and machine learning technologies. Emphasis is on products for programming as opposed to programming services or applications products. 

The Modeling Agency

The Modeling Agency (TMA) is a strong, redundant network of senior scientists, associate modelers, application programmers, project managers and technical documentation specialists with expertise in information modeling. TMA applies advanced data mining technology (transactional modeling) and knowledge engineering (domain expertise modeling) to arrive at automated decision system solutions that are accurate and comprehensive, yet efficient, actionable and understandable.

Other Data Warehouse and Data Mining Vendors
AHC is a technology transfer company that specializes in the research and development of advanced software technologies and their application to complex technical problems. 
Authors of the XpertRule range of software for Knowledge-based development, resource optimization, and data mining. 
DatatectA source of information on Datatect which generates realistic test data to a Flat File or directly to any ODBC compliant Database.
FocalPoint is professional services firm specializing in data mining and business analytics to solve business and engineering problems.
Provides software and services for predictive analysis, data mining, and business intelligence.
Contact Isoft directly for more information about Alice and AC2. A free evaluation version is available. This evaluation version can be used to mine the user's own data. 
For product information and availability, please contact MarketMiner, Inc. directly. 
(info@marketminer.com) Formerly AbTech Corporation.
Providers of the DataEngine product group, which combines conventional data analysis methods with fuzzy logic and neural networks. 
Model & Mine.com
From Dorian Pyle's website of data mining, business modeling, and analytical CRM resources.
Producer of neural network modelling software for professional applications. Founded in 1987, they are developers of neural network software for the development and deployment of intelligent on-line solutions for commercial, scientific, industrial, and government applications. Their products are used in a wide range of industries, including power generation, pulp and paper, food and beverage, chemical processing, marine, materials processing, medical, financial, targeted marketing, credit, and securities. 
Predictive Dynamix provides a comprehensive suite of software tools for commercial data mining applications
Quintillion produces Q-Why, a data-mining tool designed to extract useful rules from tabular or database data. A freeware version of the software is available for download for commercial evaluation or for academic/personal use. 
CART, Salford Systems' flagship software, enables data miners to leverage date for competitive advantage. It has an intuitive point-and-click interface and interactive visual displays. 
SPSS Inc. helps organizations turn data into insight through predictive analytics. Expertise in data mining and statistical analysis - the technologies that make predictive analytics possible.

Provides C#, VB.NET, Visual Basic, and Data Mining Source Code, Applications, Tutorials and Algorithms.
Zaptron Systems, Inc. produces the DataX Software Suite, a software tool for Business and Finance. It is based on neural networks, fuzzy logic, and time series analysis methodologies.
Dynamic Search Engine References
Search the web for "data mining and warehousing" references using:
GoogleLycosYahooInfoSeekAlta Vista

Article References
Making EIS Intelligent Shafer, D. (1990) PC AI, 4(4), 30. 
Data Mining: Intelligent Technology Gets Down To Business Lewinson, L. (1993) PC AI, 7(6), 16. 
Fractal Databases: New Horizons In Database Management Lewinson, L. (1994) PC AI, 8(2), 30. 
Rough Sets Rapaport, J. (1995) PC AI, 9(2) , 35. 
Automatic Data Mining Mena, J. (1996) PC AI, 10(6) , 16. 
Data Mining in the Financial Markets: Project Definition Rathburn, T. (1997) PC AI, 11(3) , 19. 
Data Mining in the Financial Markets: Data-Related Issues Rathburn, T. (1997) PC AI, 11(4) , 19. 
Data Mining in the Financial Markets: A Reality Check Rathburn, T. (1997) PC AI, 11(5) , 20. 
Data Mining at Work: Five Case Studies Various (1997) PC AI, 11(5) , 16. 
Data Mining and Genetic Programming Colin, A. (1997) PC AI, 11(5) , 23. 
Finding Robust & Usable Models with Data Mining: Examples from Finance Dhar, V. and Stein, R. (1998) PC AI, 12(5) , 17. 
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: The Expectation of Magic Pyle, D. (1998) PC AI, 12(5) , 14. 
Data Mining: Issuing Predictions and Revealing Unexpected Phenomena Meidan, A. (1998) PC AI, 12(5) , 24. 
Symbolic Knowledge Acquisition Technology: The Next Step in Data MiningKiselev, M. and Ananyan, S. (1999) PC AI, 13(1), 48
COM and OLE in Data Mining: Perspectives, Benefits and ImplementationsSlynko, Y. and Ananyan, S. (1999) PC AI, 13(2), 16
Re-Discovering What You Do: A Data Mining and Rule-Discovery Approach to Business Forecasting with Adaptive, Genetically-Tuned Fuzzy System ModelsCox, E. (1999) PC AI, 13(5), 16
Data Mining, Modeling, Simulation and Genetic Algorithms in the Chemical Process Industriesvan Buskirk, P. (1999) PC AI, 13(5), 28
Data Mining with Self-Organizing Maps: Best Practices in Finance, Economics, and ModelingDeboeck, G. (1999) PC AI, 13(5), 33
Data Mining Add-ins for Excel and Access: New Directions for Data Mining TechnologyApps, E. (2000) PC AI 14(1), 25
From Data to Insight: The Critical Path to Data Mining, a Short History of Data MiningAgosta, L. (2000) PC AI, 14(5), 16
Free-Form Text Data Mining: Integrating Fuzzy Systems, Self-Organizing Neural Nets and Rule-Based Knowledge BasesCox, E. (2000) PC AI, 14(5), 22
New Data Mining Industry Standards: Moving from the Monks to the MainstreamApps, E. (2000) PC AI, 14(6), 46
Geospatial Data Mining for Market Intelligence . . .
Duke, P. (2001) PC AI, 15(2), 48
Decision Navigator: An Enterprise Decision Support SystemCresswell, D. (2001) PC AI, 15(4), 36
Profitability and Mining Web Data: Avoiding the Path to Red Ink
Clendaniel, S. (2001) PC AI, 15(5), 31
Building Intelligent Models from Data Mining and Expert Knowledge: A Look at Fundamental PrinciplesCox, E. (2001) PC AI, 15(5), 16
Data Mining Using Sample Data: A Sample Based Modeling StrategyMorgan, J,; et. Al. (2001) PC AI, 15(5), 23
AI@WorkVarious, (2001) PC AI, 15(5), 26
What is Data Mining? Finding the Pattern
Hengl, T. (2002) PC AI, 16(5), 18
Buyer's Guide
Various, (2002) PC AI, 16(5), 63

Book References
Knowledge Discovery in Databases Piatetsky-Shapiro, G. and Frawley, W.J. (Eds) (1991) Menlo Park, CA: The AAAI Press, pps. 525. ISBN: 0-262-66070-9. 
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The Data Model Resource Book: A Library of Logical Data Models and Data Warehouse Designs Silverston, L., Inmon, W.H., and Graziano, K. (1997) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pps. 356. ISBN: 0471-15364-8. 
Decision Support Using Data MiningAnand, S. and Buchner, A. (1998) Prentice Hall, pps 184. ISBN 0273632698
Data Mining Solutions: Methods and Tools for Solving Real-World ProblemsWestphal, C. and Blaxton, T. (1998) John Wiley & Sons, pps 640. ISBN 0471253847
The Essential Guide to Data WarehousingAgosta, L. (1999) Prentice Hall, pps 526. ISBN 013085087X
Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship ManagementBerry, M. and Linoff, G. (1999) John Wiley & Sons, pps 512. ISBN 0471331236
Data Warehouse Project Management: (Addison-Wesley Information Technology Series)Adelman, S. and Moss, L. (2000) Addison Wesley Professional, pps 448, CD-ROM. ISBN 0201616351
Data Mining: Concepts and TechniquesHan, J. and Kamber, M. (2000) Morgan Kaufmann, pps 500. ISBN 1558604898
Data Warehousing and Data Mining : Implementing Strategic Knowledge ManagementKing, E. (2000) Computer Technology Research Corporation, pps 184. ISBN 1566070783

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