Creative Thinking
Overview: As computers automate many repetitious and mundane jobs, people will be expected to handle even more complex tasks. These tasks are often associated with problem solving and creativity, an area where the computer is still in its infancy. Glossary Link - Creative Thinking
Creativity, Innovation and Problem Solving (35) | Some guidelines with linked historical examples. |
Creativity Web Page (21) | These web pages are resources to help you become more creative and to put you in touch with other people interested in creativity and thinking. This Web site was produced to satisfy a need within the misc.creativity newsgroup for easy access to the FAQ documents. |
Design Research at the Stan Ackerman Institute | Encompassing the methodology of technological design particularly in interdisciplinary design situations. |
Edward DeBono's Home Page | This site has a list of all DeBono's books, links to other authors, creativity training, software, and other creativity web pages. |
Invention Dimension (Select "Linked") (7) | A site covering American inventors and their discoveries. |
Independent consultant offers free SQL Server support and datamining, data warehousing, relational databases, pareto analysis, software programming, business intelligenceand project management | |
Tips for how to increase creativity |
The ParaMind list is in the AI-FAQ and the site is rich in theory. | |
Mindlink Inc.
Mindlink Problem Solver - (800) 253-1844 |
Lycos | Yahoo | InfoSeek | Alta Vista |
Thinking Tools Part I | Anaker, P. (1988) PC AI, 2(1), 41. |
Thinking Tools Part II | Anaker, P. (1988) PC AI, 2(2), 21. |
Thinking On Purpose | Herbert, B. (1988) PC AI, 2(2), 65. |
Thinking Tools Part III | Anaker, P. (1988) PC AI, 2(3), 16. |
Thinking Tools Part IV | Anaker, P. (1988) PC AI, 2(4), 50. |
Creativity Software: Thinking Tools For The Mac | Rasmus, D. (1989) PC AI, 3(3), 28. |
Thinking Tools Update: Part I | Anaker, P. (1989) PC AI, 3(3), 34. |
Thinking Tools Update: Part II | Anaker, P. (1989) PC AI, 3(5), 59. |
Thinking Tools Part I | Stevenson, A. (1991) PC AI, 5(6), 18. |
Decision Quality and Decision Tools | Creswell, D. and McNamee, P. (1991) PC AI, 5(6), 40. |
Synthetic Intelligence | Keyes, J. (1991) PC AI, 5(6), 34. |
Thinking Tools Part II | Stevenson, A. (1992) PC AI, 6(1), 35. |
Creativity And Tools: Stimulating Ideas | Rasmus, D. (1995) PC AI, 9(3), 29. |
Creativity And Tools: Creative Connections | Rasmus, D. (1995) PC AI, 9(4), 23. |
Creativity And Tools: Future Creativity | Rasmus, D. (1995) PC AI, 9(5), 39. |
Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas | Adams, J.L. (1986) Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, pps. 161. ISBN: 0-201-10149-1. |
Dinosaur Brains | Bernstein, A. (1989) New York, NY: Wiley, pps 256 ISBN: 0-471-61808-X | |
The Book of Think | Burns, M. (1976) Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, pps 125, ISBN: 0-316-11743-9 | |
Math Magic | Flansburg, S. (1993) New York, NY: Morrow, pps 350, ISBN: 0-688-10476-2 | |
Serious Creativity | De Bono, E.(1992) Harper Business ISBN: 0-99730-566-0 | |
Hermes and the Golden Thinking Machine | Tzonis, A. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pps. 284. | |
Conceptual Structures: Current Research and Practice | Nagle, T.E., Nagle, J.A., Gerholz, L.L., and Eklund, P.W. (Eds) (1992) West Sussex, England: Ellis Horwood Limited, pps. 644. ISBN: 0-13-175878-0. | |
Mind Bugs: The Origins of Procedural Misconceptions | VanLehn, K. (1990) Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pps. 253. ISBN: 0-262-22036-9. | |
Understanding Creativity : The Interplay of Biological, Psychological and Social Factors | Dacey, J.; Lennon, K.; Fiore, L. (1998) Jossey-Bass, pps 320, ISBN 0787940321 | |
Handbook of Creativity | Sternberg, R. (ed.) (1999) Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521572851 | |
How to Think Like Einstein : Simple Ways to Break the Rules and Discover Your Hidden Genius | Thorpe, S. (2000) Sourcebooks Trade, pps 256 ISBN 1570715858 | |
Creative Thinking Book List (64) ** | The book list also has brief discriptions in most cases. |
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