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Speech Recognition

Overview: Automatic speech recognition is the process by which a computer maps an acoustic speech signal to text. Automatic speech understanding is the process by which a computer maps an acoustic speech signal to some form of abstract meaning of the speech. Speech synthesis is the task of transforming written input to spoken output. The input can either be provided in a graphemic/orthographic or a phonemic script, depending on its source. As a consequence of its reliance on phonology, linguistics, signal processing, statistics, computer science, acoustics, connectionist networks, psychology and other fields, there are many technologies involved in speech technology.

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Speech Recognition Information on the Internet
LookSmart - Speech Recognition Find resources on speech recognition
Yahoo - Science: Computer Science: AI: Natural Language Processing: Speech Recognition Yahoo index for speech recognition.

Speech Recognition Vendors
AbTech Corporation
Visit this site and find out more about the AI conversation program, Bob OS for Windows. 
Grady Ward
J. Markowitz Consulting
Verbex Voice Systems
(CompuServe: GOVERBEX)

Dynamic Search Engine References
Search the web for "speech recognition" references using:
Google IntelliSeek Lycos Yahoo InfoSeek Alta Vista

Article References
Artificial Intelligence In Medicine Okun, R. (1989) PC AI, 3(2), 75. 
Job Injury Compensation Manager  Markowitz, J. (1989) PC AI, 3(6), 28. 
Voice Navigator Rasmus, D. (1991) PC AI, 5(4), 56. 
Money Listens: Speech Recognition 
In The Financial Industry 
Markowitz, J. (1993) PC AI, 7(6), 28. 
A New Approach To Speech Translation Eisenberg, S. (1994) PC AI, 8(1) , 30. 
Automatic Speech Recognition: Fundamentals, Facts, and Fallacies Markowitz, J. (1994) PC AI, 8(1) , 16. 
Number Please: Speech Recognition Over the Telephone Markowitz, J. (1994) PC AI, 8(2) , 23. 
Networks for Speech: Neural Nets and ASR Markowitz, J. (1994) PC AI, 8(3) , 31-34. 
Networks For Speech Markowitz, J. (1994) PC AI, 8(3) , 31. 
Speaker Verification Markowitz, J. (1995) PC AI, 9(5) , 24. 

Book References
The Incredible Sound Machine: Unleash the Sound Capabilities of Your Macintosh Computer Andrews, M. (1993) Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, pps. 380. ISBN: 0-201-60889-8. 
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Visual Representations of Speech Signals  Cooke, M., Beet, S., and Crawford, M. (1993) West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, pps. 385. ISBN: 0-471-93537-9. 
Fundamentals of Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition: Basic Concepts, State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges Keller, E. (Ed) (1994) Chinchester, England: John Wiley & Sons Inc, pps. 379. ISBN: 0-471-94449-1. 
Speech Coding - A Computer Laboratory Textbook  Barnwell, T., Nayebi, K., and Richardson, C. (1996) New York, Georgia Tech & John Wiley and Sons, pps. 184, ISBN 0-471-51692-9 
Talk to Your Computer: Speech Recognition Made Easy Newman, D., et. al. (1999) Waveside Publishing, pps. 208. ISBN 0967038936
Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition Jurafski, D., et. al. (2000) Prentice Hall, pps. 960. ISBN 0130950696
Using Speech Recognition Markowitz, J. (2000) J. Markowitz, pps. 292. ISBN 0970525206

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